Columbia star®
Premium blackberry
This variety shines with great characteristics. The plant is vigorous, thornless with short strong fruiting laterals and 600+ chilling hours. It’s a high yielding variety - up to 34 tons/hectare. The harvest starts in the beginning of July and frost hardy - survival tested at -16.6C.
Berries with large size - 7.6g on average, with dark color and firm fruit. The flavor is outstanding with a high Brix of 12.7%.
Early Season Variety
Plant characteristics
Vigourous, thornless with short strong fruiting laterals
Early season, harvest starts beginning of July, 50%
ripe date 12th July in Oregon, USA -
5 days earlier than Black Diamond, more than two
weeks before Chester -
600+ chilling hours
High yielding variety - Reported yield: 34 tons / hectare
in replicated trials -
Frost hardy - survival tested at -16.6C
Fruit characteristics
Large berry size, 7.6g on average, larger than Black
Diamond -
Good dark colour and firm fruit, with exceptional shine
maintained after picking -
Outstanding flavour with high Brix of 12.7%
Fruit has low susceptibility to heat damage